Crow Hollow Books

About the poem: I've worked so many different jobs, from waitress to nanny to corporate account manager to stripper. They've taken me amazing places, and they've always been what I needed at the time, but I've never loved any of them.

Hadassah Green

            The artist's tool.

Crow Hollow 19

Find A Job You Love

and you'll never work a day in your life

Whoever said that was probably boring
or rich
probably both
works in advertising, but has a girlfriend who sews her own clothes
they use handcuffs every now and again to spice things up
says he wants a tattoo but he can't decide what to get

whoever said that 
lacks the creativity for depression
thinks she might have been a musician
but her parents didn't push her hard enough
says Inception really made her think

Find a job you hate
just like every other job you've always hated
one that will kill you, slowly
with a thousand tiny paper cuts
a thousand tiny burns from a thousand tiny candles
on birthday cakes for jenny and sarah and greg
a thousand thoughts of suicide before lunchtime

put into it softly, resentfully
make a voodoo doll
Of suit jackets and sensible shoes
fill your closet with costumes
of someone who's never been called fat or stupid or lazy
Stand in the shower dissecting your lunchtime conversations
like that frog in science class when you were 14
the stomach full of nouns waiting to be digested - stock options, children, insurance policies
the verbs a once beating heart 
still conjugated in the infinite 'to love, to want, to reach'

Work the job you hate
make money so dirty you can plant your dreams in it

Murder One, Fall 2015